La passion
La passion 沒有人懷疑法國對全球文化、文藝、設計及時裝的貢獻。由中世紀到現在,法國一直將美感、藝術輸出到歐 洲各國。
法國人的工作及生活,都因為熱情而連結在一起,好使他們的軟實力至今,維持全球領導地位。La passion系列靈感來源於法式生活,設計可以有奢華的一面,同時卻簡約的一面,如同你遊走在巴黎一樣,新與舊、奢華與簡約、熱鬧與安靜,都可以沒有違和的交融
La passion
No one doubts the contribution of France to global culture, in art, design and fashion fields.
From the Middle Ages to the present, France has always exported its beauty and art to European countries.
The work and life of the French are linked together because of enthusiasm, so that the soft power can maintain their global leadership. La passion series is inspired by French life.
The design can have a luxurious side but a simple side. Just like you are walking in Paris, the new and the old, the luxury and the simplicity, the lively and the quiet, can blend without violation.